Pana atunci ne putem delecta cu Wings of Liberty. Terran este acum o rasa mult mai puternica decat in Starcraft 1. Nu mi-a placut niciodata sa joc cu ei dat fiind faptul ca mi se pareau slabi dar acum, rasele sunt mult mai echilibrate si e foarte bine cu oricare dintre ele mai ales ca trebuie sa ai ceva tactica cand joci: imi place ca anumite unitati sunt bune versus altele din cealalta rasa. ex: Marauder face prapad printre liniile de Stalker sau Banshee care distruge orice merge sau se taraste pe pamant. Absolut orice, pana si cladiri.
L-am terminat in doua zile, iar un jucator mai bun l-ar fi terminat si mai repede. Dar mi s-a parut destul de plin si foarte interesant. E ca si in campaign-u de la warcraft, dar cu grafica mai buna si mult mai complex. Sunt
Recomand acest joc .. oricui defapt, chiar si celor carora nu prea le plac RTS-urile. Duceti-va si cumparati-l :D merita.
In the past two days I've been playing this game called Starcraft 2 [Wings of Liberty]. Very important is to know it's name because you can play only missions with terran [i mean humans] and two or three with protoss. It looks like another two patches or chapters will be released: " Heart of the Swarm" and "Legacy of the Void". zerg and protoss, in this order. As far as I know there hasn't been an official release date but many think that both [or just the zerg chapter] will come out sometime around this fall.
Untill then we have to be pleased with Wings of Liberty. Terran is now a more powerful race than in Starcraft 1. I never like playing with them because of this but, now all races are more balanced. Sure this time a large army won't do any good if you don't know how to wisely use your units. Few, but powerful can do a lot of damage to your enemy: Marauder is very effective against Stalkers and Banshee kills everything that walks or crawls on the face of the planet; and buildings of course etc.
I finished it in two days while an experienced player could have reached the credits in less time. I found the game quite full and interesting. It looks pretty much like Warcraft in the campaign, but better graphic and more complex. There are three turning points in the game where you have to take sides and of course you have advantages and disadvantages and it's possible some missions will change; I'll play choosing something else to see how it all ends :D [ Spoiler: My advice is, near the end, kill the birdies ]
I recomend this game to ... everyone in fact, even to those who don't usually play RTS. It's worth every penny.
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